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Placing a stock order

To buy Air Liquide shares on the stock market, you can place an order with your regular financial intermediary or directly with Air Liquide if you are a direct registered shareholder. For further information regarding the different types of orders please read our page Factsheet.

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If you are a direct registered Shareholder, you can place a purchase order:

  • Directly via your Shareholder Portal
  • By telephone on +33 1 57 05 02 26 (from abroad) or 0800 166 179 (toll free from a French landline) 
  • By mail at the following address, accompanied by a copy of your ID: Air Liquide, Shareholder Services Department - TSA 91948 - 62978 Arras Cedex 9

If you would like to become a direct registered Shareholder, consult the account opening formalities on our dedicated page.

If you hold intermediary registered shares or bearer shares, you must place your purchase orders directly with your financial institution. 

For further information please read our dedicated Factsheet.

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If you are a direct registered Shareholder, once you have placed your order you will receive a confirmation email that your order has been registered. Once your purchase order has been executed, you will receive an email and a transaction statement is available within 48 hours in the "My documents" section of your Shareholder Portal. If your order falls through, you will receive an email confirming that the order has been abandoned. 

Note, if you have not provided an email address, a transaction statement is sent by mail a few days after your order has been executed.

If you are an intermediary registered Shareholder or a bearer Shareholder, your financial institution remains your point of contact.

If you are a direct registered Shareholder, only limit price orders that are not executed may be canceled. To do so, log in to your Shareholder Portal, under the heading "My Orders" and click on the "View my order history" section. Select the order you wish to cancel and click on "Cancel".

Note that market price orders and best price orders cannot be canceled.

If you are an intermediary registered Shareholder or a bearer Shareholder, your financial institution remains your point of contact.

If you are a direct registered Shareholder, you can pay for your purchase orders by bank card or bank transfer:

  • By bank card: you can settle your purchase orders online by bank card for amounts under €3,000.
  • By bank transfer: select the payment by bank transfer option when you place your order online, or state your chosen option if you place your order by telephone. Once your purchase order has been executed, the transaction statement — which includes the amount of your purchase and the bank details necessary to make your payment — can be found in your Shareholder Portal in the "My Document library" section. If you have not provided an email address, a transaction statement is sent by mail a few days after your order has been executed.

Note: For securities accounts opened before 01/03/2024, it is possible to pay for purchases by direct debit (only if the account is domiciled in the SEPA zone).

If you hold intermediary registered shares or bearer shares, you must place your purchase orders directly with your financial institution.

It is up to the holder to pay for his or her purchases of shares. The payment of these purchases by a third party is considered by the French tax authorities as a donation.

The capital gain on the sale of a share corresponds to the difference between the sale value and its unit price . 

If you are a direct registered Shareholder, the unit priceof your securities and their capital gains are available in your Shareholder Portal, under the heading "My portfolio" > "Type of share display" > "View details" The unit priceof your shares is the average by value code* of the acquisition prices of your shares: purchase price, value applied at the time a gift is made or an estate settled, free shares (value of €0).

If you are an intermediary registered Shareholder or a bearer Shareholder, your financial institution remains your point of contact.

*Your Air Liquide shares are divided into four "value codes" (or ISIN codes) that you can use to check your eligibility for the loyalty bonus. If you hold direct registered shares, these codes can be found on your account documents accessible in your Shareholder Portal.

If you are a direct registered Shareholder and wish to place a purchase order on an account with dismembered ownership (co-ownership or usufruct and bare ownership), please send us the following, using our page "Contact us" “Stock orders” > “Place an order” section:

  • A joint or separate letter, signed and dated by all the account holders, which details the number of securities to be sold and the type of order;
  • A copy of both sides of valid ID for each account holder.

The amount from the sale will be paid to the primary account holder (primary joint owner or primary bare owner). If you would like the amount to be paid to a specific bank account, please state this clearly on the sell order and attach a copy of the relevant bank details.

To place a purchase order, please contact Shareholder Services Department.
If you are an intermediary registered Shareholder or a bearer Shareholder, your financial institution remains your primary point of contact.

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Air Liquide
Shareholder Services Department
TSA 91948
62978 Arras Cedex 9

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