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Air Liquide has successfully issued a 500 million euros green bond to finance the energy transition

Paris, France,
  • Sustainability
  • Press Releases

Air Liquide has successfully issued a new 500 million euros green bond. In line with its strategic plan ADVANCE, this transaction confirms once again Air Liquide’s ambition to combine financial and extra-financial performances. The Group intends to use the proceeds from the issuance to finance or refinance flagship energy transition projects, in particular in the field of low-carbon hydrogen and air gases. This green bond issuance is the third by the Group, in line with previous issuances in 2021 and 2024, both of which were fully allocated.

This transaction, significantly oversubscribed by investors, was executed under the Group's Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) programme. With this issuance, Air Liquide is raising 500 million euros with a 10-year maturity at a yield of 3.570% per year.

This issue will be rated « A » by Standard & Poor’s and Scope Ratings and « A2 » by Moody’s.

Jérôme Pelletan, Group Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Air Liquide Executive Committee, commented:

“This new green bond issuance, less than a year after the launch of our previous one, confirms the strength of our market signature in a context marked by numerous uncertainties. It once again reflects investor confidence in our robust business model. The funds raised will contribute to financing our investment decisions, which reached a record level in 2024, enabling us to implement transformative projects with and for our clients, particularly in the area of energy transition.”

  • Air Liquide has successfully issued a 500 million euros green bond to finance the energy transition

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