Implementation of Air Liquide new governance structure and evolution in the Executive Committee
- Press Releases
- Group

As previously announced, a new governance is implemented within Air Liquide. Starting June 1, 2022, Benoît Potier will remain President of the Board of Directors and François Jackow, becomes Chief Executive Officer for the Group.
In this context, and in line with the implementation of ADVANCE, the new Group strategic plan of the Group, a number of adjustments have been made to the organization and composition of the Executive Committee.
Under the authority of François Jackow, Chief Executive Officer, and starting June 1st, the Executive Committee will be established as follows :
- François Abrial, Senior Vice President, is in charge of the Asia Pacific hub.
- Ronnie Chalmers, entering the Executive Committee, is appointed Vice President in charge of Africa Middle East & India hub.
- Marcelo Fioranelli, Vice President, is Chief Executive Officer of Airgas.
- Matthieu Giard, Vice President, supervises the Industrial Merchant business line and Hydrogen activity.
- Mike Graff, Executive Vice President, is in charge of the Americas hub and supervises the Electronics business line. From September 1, 2022, he will also supervise the Engineering and Construction activity.
- Fabienne Lecorvaisier, Executive Vice President, is in charge of Sustainable Development, Public and International Affairs as well as the General Secretariat.
- Armelle Levieux, Vice President, is in charge of Group Human Resources.
- Emilie Mouren-Renouard, Vice President, supervises Innovation, Digital & IT, Intellectual Property as well as the Global Markets & Technologies Division.
- Jérôme Pelletan, Vice President, is Chief Financial Officer.
- Jean-Marc de Royère, Senior Vice President, is in charge of the societal programmes and Chairman of the Air Liquide Foundation.
- Diana Schillag, Vice President, is in charge of Healthcare activities in Europe and supervises the Healthcare World Business Line. She also supervises the Procurement and the Efficiency Programs at Group level.
- François Venet, Senior Vice President, supervises the Large Industries business line and the Group’s Strategy function.
- Pascal Vinet, Senior Vice President, is in charge of the Europe Industries hub and supervises the Africa Middle East & India hub. He is also in charge of the Safety and Industrial System function.
Implementation of Air Liquide new governance structure and evolution in the Executive Committee
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