Air Liquide speeds up the deployment in Europe of its innovative offering aimed at welders via Qlixbi
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Air Liquide announces that Qlixbi has been deployed in four additional European countries in 2021, following the success of its groundbreaking packaged gas offering for welders in the United Kingdom. The Group has enhanced this offering with new models using latest-generation components, extending the network coverage of Qlixbi connected services.
Hundreds of welders in the United Kingdom have adopted Qlixbi since it was launched in the middle of 2019, confirming that this offer, groundbreaking in its ease of use and the digital services it provides, met the expectations of welders. Since the start of the year, Air Liquide has also successfully launched Qlixbi in Germany and Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. The Group is already preparing its introduction into other European areas.
Developed in close conjunction with more than 700 welding customers, Qlixbi has a click & weld connector with a gas reserve indicator and connected services to facilitate the continuity of gas supply for its users.
Since its launch, Air Liquide has been constantly upgrading the Qlixbi offering to make it even more accessible, safer and easier to use. Air Liquide teams have extended its range with connectors that also include a regulator, for increased safety and efficiency. They also equipped some Qlixbi connectors with a connected microcontroller provided by STMicroelectronics for a greater network coverage in different geographies.
Air Liquide speeds up the deployment in Europe of its particularly innovative offering aimed at welders via Qlixbi
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